Our mission is to work together to improve the quality of surgical care in Indiana and Illinois.
Hospitals are provided with detailed data regarding their performance compared to other ISQIC hospitals, along with the tools to enact meaningful improvements when they identify problem areas.
Mentors, formal quality and process improvement training, and process improvement consultants are available to the hospitals as they work to implement solutions.
Lessons learned at one hospital are shared with all participating hospitals, so we can all learn from each other with a common goal of making care better and safer for the surgical patient in Indiana and Illinois.
Hospitals in the Illiana Collaborative benefit from strategies to accelerate and enhance quality improvements (QI) that have been tested and refined in Illinois since 2014

Guided Implementation
Hospitals participating in ISQIC will benefit from novel guided implementation components, including:
Local Hospital Teams
Identified by participating hospitals to lead ISQIC initiatives for the hospital. Teams usually consist of a Surgeon Champion, Data Abstractor, and QI Project Manager
Surgeon Mentor
Surgeon who has successfully lead quality improvement projects and serves as mentor for local hospital teams
Process Improvement (PI) Coach
Highly trained in PI to coach hospital QI teams through QI/PI projects
Coordinating Center (CC)
Provides leadership and support staff for all aspects of ISQIC implementation
Site Visits
Scheduled on-site meetings with hospital and ISQIC leadership to discuss individual hospital strategies for improvement

Hospitals participating in ISQIC will benefit from novel education components, including:
Formal QI/PI Curriculum
Formal process improvement training through online modules and in-person training sessions
Project Management Training
Training on effective project management skills
Hospital Board Engagement Program
Training and guidance for engaging the hospital’s board in ISQIC initiatives and surgical quality improvement
Best Practice Guidelines
Evidence-based best practices
Surgical QI Case Studies
Examples of how others previously examined and addressed high rates of common postoperative complications
Step-by-step guide on how to effectively implement QI initiatives

Comparative Reports
Hospitals participating in ISQIC will benefit from two detailed comparative reports, including:
Hospital-level Risk-adjusted Comparative Data
Reports that allow hospitals to compare data on process of care and postoperative outcomes benchmarked against hospitals in Illinois and Indiana
Surgeon-level Risk-adjusted Comparative Data
Reports that allow surgeons to compare data on process of care and postoperative outcomes benchmarked against hospitals in Illinois and Indiana

Collaborative QI Projects
Hospitals participating in ISQIC can take advantage of collaborative QI projects, including:
Statewide Collaborative Quality Improvement Projects (CQIP)
QI projects that are identified by our Advisory Committee and participating hospitals to address statewide need. Carried out with support from Mentors, Coaches and Coordinating Center
Hospital-specific QI Projects
QI projects identified by individual hospital QI teams to address a specific area of poor performance

Hospitals participating in ISQIC will benefit from networking benefits, including:
Conference Meetings
In-person conferences to facilitate sharing of experiences, work on common projects, and conduct process improvement training
Hospital Team Meetings
Meetings to foster communication among hospital teams, discuss cases, and implement QI/PI projects